
Sunday, April 5, 2015

Pitchfork Article On Shirt "The Lie Of The Internet"

Late but interesting nonetheless. Especially now that things have settled a bit and I'm able to look at what it could mean for my story in the long run. Funny too, when Pitchfork doesn't post your music but runs such a dedicated editorial basically saying how fucking ill you are and it's sad no one knows. Gotta love it.

SHIRT, a Queens, N.Y.-based rapper who just dropped his latest album Museum, is not what would be described as struggle rapper, but he is one—on paper, at least. He's an unsigned rapper, whom you've likely never heard of, who releases free and cheap music on the Internet—his latest is available for five bucks (via PayPal). He uses gimmicks to garner attention—whether that means faking a New York Times article or trolling pop stars or name-dropping streetwear power player jeffstaple and actually getting jeffstaple to lip-sync his video. He's a seemingly self-contained entity who considers himself one of the best rappers alive, who plays on the outskirts of rap with dreams of getting in by using the cheap and free DIY tools available to him.

 Yet, he's so much more. 

Continue reading here

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