
Friday, January 7, 2011

"The Death Of Banksy" - Vandalog Goes In

Here's a really interesting article I'm inclined to speak on for a minute. It's weird because I just re-watched "Exit Through The Gift Shop" two days ago with friends who hadn't seen it yet and I was blown away for the third time. The man is truly a living legend in the art world and the guys at Vandalog ask the very real, and poignant question, "Can Bansky Die?" If the artist is fully-staffed, his identity anonymous, his massive amounts of street art already factually not being painted by himself alone, and thousands of copy cat artists around the world are continuing in his footsteps, is Banksy the first faceless, identity-less artist-turned-brand ever? What do you think? The guys have some great points and I urge you to check it out.

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